An article examined gender mainstreaming in national healthcare systems in England and Germany.
Source: Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale, 'Mainstreaming gender into healthcare: a scoping exercise into policy transfer in England and Germany', Current Sociology, Volume 60 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Jun
A report examined how gender attributes and attitudes affected young men's and women's alcohol use, and whether different health promotion interventions were required for young men and women.
Source: Richard de Visser, Jonathan Smith, Charles Abraham, and Zoe Wheeler, Gender, Alcohol, and Interventions, Alcohol Research UK
Links: Report
Date: 2012-May
An official advisory body proposed that the age limit of 39 for in vitro fertility (IVF) treatment should be raised to 42 for women who had no other chance of conceiving. It also said that some new groups should be eligible for treatment, including same-sex couples.
Source: Fertility: Assessment and Treatment for People with Fertility Problems (Update) – Draft for stakeholder consultation, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Links: Draft guideline | NIHCE press release | BFS press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Telegraph report
Date: 2012-May
An article examined legal issues related to cross-border reproductive care in the European Union. The EU's interests in harmonization and unification were at odds with the right to national identity of individual states in areas of contested morality.
Source: Wannes Van Hoof and Guido Pennings, 'Extraterritorial laws for cross-border reproductive care: the issue of legal diversity', European Journal of Health Law, Volume 19 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Mar